The figure and gesture course for beginners focuses on four foundational techniques. These techniques help the drawer learn both the structure of the human body and how to capture the movement and gesture of the model. From these techniques students will begin to learn how to accurately render proportions, anatomy, and perspective, as well as methods for quickly capturing the pose and movement of the model.
The course runs for four weeks. Each week focuses on a different technique with the final week being for a single long pose where students will be able to apply the techniques and knowledge into one drawing.
Throughout the entire course students will be working with a real life model. In the first half of each class, the instructor will teach the technique in focus by discussion and demonstration. Then everyone will participate in applying this technique by drawing a series of short poses of the life model. The second half of the class each week will be focused on a long pose (that will be maintained throughout the whole course). Here you will be able to gain experience under the tutors supervision on how to apply the technique to help form your composition and structure a long pose drawing.
WEEK ONE | Blocking: In this session you will learn the process of breaking down the figure into basic shapes and lines. Through these shapes and lines we establish the overall form and proportions of the body. We learn how to simplify the complexity of the figure inorder to make it easier to draw. The concept of “Chiaroscuro” (italian term for light-dark) will be touched upon lightly in this first class.
WEEK TWO | Measuring: Here we build on our blocking technique we learnt in the first lesson. We learn how to use the initial shapes as a framework to build upon, adding contours and shading to create a sense of volume and depth. During this session we will also have a brief look at the skeleton of the human body. Even the slightest understanding of anatomy helps to bring more truth to our drawings. We will also introduce 'The pencil as a ruler' technique. This is a helpful tool for accurately measuring and drawing the proportions of the human figure.
WEEK THREE | Recognizing Gesture/Action lines: During this third class we take our time in understanding how important it is to understand lines in the human figures. We will start to learn how to recognize and understand the lines of the human body. This is crucial when drawing a life model because it helps you accurately depict the form and movement of the human figure. The lines of the body, also known as the "gesture" or "action" lines, are the curved or angular lines that convey the movement and energy of the pose. By capturing these lines in your drawing, you can convey the mood, emotion, and energy of the pose. Here we revisit the idea of “Chiaroscuro” and how to see it and apply it to our figure drawings.
WEEK FOUR | Practice: During this session the model will hold only one pose. This is where we apply all that we have learnt over the last three weeks. Slowly building up a framework of a drawing and applying each technique to create one final and informed drawing.
LOCATION | DUST TEMPLE, 54 Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin, 4223, QLD.
DATES | Monday evenings of September 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
TIME | 06:00 - 09:00pm. Please arrive on time.
INVESTMENT | $260 for the entire course.
Cartridge Paper A3
Pencil HB, B, 2B, 4B + Pencil Sharpener
Kneaded Eraser
Willow Charcoal
Irene was born and trained in Rome. She studied art at Mario Mafai Art School during this time Irene did additional external studies attending the three -year painting course of the master Giovanni Arcangeli at San Giacomo Art school in Rome.When she finished school, she spent the next few years pursuing training at various art institutions including the Art Academy of Rome and then the University RomeTre where she studied ‘History of Art’ and graduated in 2014. Immediately after graduation Irene moved to Australia. In 2017 Irene lived in London where she painted various large scale wall commissions. She also worked as a studio and painter assistant.In 2019 Irene came back to Australia, where she now lives and practices her art.
We understand that life drawing is a practice that can take more than one lifetime to master. This course is designed to benefit those who are interested in life drawing and don’t know where to start. For those who wish to further their skills. It is a starting point for how to train your eyes to see, how to transfer that information from your mind onto your page, and how to use your hands to draw what you see. The course is four weeks long so it can fit into the lives of the busy individual without being an overwhelming commitment. As with anything your skills can only improve with practice. So we hope that if you join this course, that you find yourself being immersed in the always inspiring and joyful art of life drawing.